woensdag 19 mei 2010

Teaching with Social Networks: Establishing a Social Contract | EDUCAUSE

Teaching with Social Networks: Establishing a Social Contract | EDUCAUSE:

Teaching with Social Networks: Establishing a Social Contract

Title:Teaching with Social Networks: Establishing a Social Contract (ID: ERB1010)
Author(s):Diane Sieber (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Topics:Collaborative Technologies, Hybrid or Blended Learning, Instructional Technologies, IT Integration, Social Contracts, Social Networking, Virtual Learning Community, Web 2.0, Wiki
Origin:Research Bulletins, ECAR (05/18/2010)
Type:Articles, Papers, and Reports

This ECAR research bulletin discusses the use of student-developed social contracts to support a vital online community of inquiry. In blended classes—which combine co-present and web-mediated interaction—contracts that address both settings are particularly effective. This bulletin provides examples of successful student social contracts and describes students’ views on the impact of the social contract on their learning.

Citation for this Work: Sieber, Diane E. “Teaching with Social Networks: Establishing a Social Contract” (Research Bulletin 10, 2010). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2010, available from http://www.educause.edu/ecar.

ZaidLearn: Discover IMU E-Learning on Facebook!

Wednesday, May 19

Discover IMU E-Learning on Facebook!

CLICK HERE to discover IMU E-Learning on Facebook!


Facebook will be one of the main tools that we (IMU E-Learning) use to connect and share our e-learning adventures and stories as we explore, learn, share, facilitate and reflect together with IMU (International Medical University) educators, staff, and students regarding the amazing learning possibilities we have today.

As we are in the early stages of exploring social media (social networking, wikis, blogs, podcasts, Twitter, etc.) for learning at IMU, we hope that by openly sharing our learning stories, we will increasingly encourage more to participate and share. More and more universities or educational institutions around the world are exploring social media for learning, and we hope that our experiences shared can benefit others out there, especially new comers. Also, we do hope that this sharing initiative will lead to more connections and discussions with educators and students at IMU and beyond.

We have so much to learn, and by sharing and connecting with great people like you, we can learn faster and more effectively using our collective intelligence, or wisdom of the crowds (Oops, a few big words!).

Some might argue that you lose your competitive (e-learning) edge by being open and willing to share. I would argue that if you want to be leader in any field, you have to share your work and efforts, and be open to feedback and criticism. If you reflect and act upon these nuggets of feedback and criticism, you are probably going to improve faster than sticking to the old paradigm emphasizing indirectly that 'Hoarding Learning (knowledge, competencies and skills) is Power!'.

It should be 'Sharing Learning is Power'. Not much can be done alone, but it is amazing what we can do together collectively.

ECAR Bulletin: Teaching with social networks

Het nieuwe ECAR bulletin is uit. Deze keer met als titel 'Teaching with social networks'.
Klik hier voor het rapport.
Meer informatie: This ECAR research bulletin discusses the use of student-developed social contracts to support a vital online community of inquiry. In blended classes—which combine co-present and web-mediated interaction—contracts that address both settings are particularly effective. This bulletin provides examples of successful student social contracts and describes students’ views on the impact of the social contract on their learning.

Citation for this Work: Sieber, Diane E. “Teaching with Social Networks: Establishing a Social Contract” (Research Bulletin 10, 2010). Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2010,

vrijdag 7 mei 2010

ELI whitepaper over Mobile learning

ELI heeft onlangs haar whitepaper over Mobile learning gepubliceerd. De basis hiervan is gevormd door een aantal online focussessies op 3 en 4 maart 2010. De aanbeveling vanuit ELI: "It is clear that while the application of mobile technology to learning is just now getting under way, the potential is enormous and we can expect that the rate of development will be very rapid indeed".