University of Phoenix
"We try to explain why we are doing what we are doing.
What will be the next step?"
Leerplatforms zullen veel meer gericht zijn op individuele leerpaden; een student-gecentreerde leeromgeving. We zullen daarvoor onze leerders beter moeten leren begrijpen. Vergelijkbaar met Facebook en de werking van sociale netwerken.
Neem twee studenten. Zal hun leeromgeving er hetzelfde uitzien?
Belangrijke vragen:
What are the learner goals? What do they know? How do we model the learner?
What are the possible sets of experiences (instructional strategies, content, assessment, interactions) available?
How can we guide them through these experiences?
How can we know that the guidance is effective?
How do we understand the root causes of their intervention needs and create specific guidance?
How do teachers and intelligent agents work together effectively to address the students needs?
How do we measure succes?
How do we do this all cost-effectively?
ILP = Individualized Learning Platform
Open, collaboratief, pedagogical neutral, get learners to 'aha moment' and the right Bloom's level, adaptief, data-informed guidance.
Cognitive DNA - What Frank brings to the classroom.
Matched up with the Teachers DNA!
Core Principles
Learning is a personal journey
Learning is collaborative & social
Use evidence-based guidance where possible
Learning should be active & engaging
Content should be contextual and relevant
"We are gonna measure everything!"
Platform Construction
There is no 'one-size' fit all solution - so a technology platform must be:
Highly flexible
Highly open & extensible
Highly engaging
Technology scale
Resistance to change
Human vs. machine perception