Download Individual Chapters:
Digital Storytelling: An Alternative Instructional Approach
Ruben R. Puentedura, Hippasus
Digital Storytelling: Old Ways, New Tools
Laurie Burruss, Pasadena City College
The Adding Machine: Remote Digital Storytelling and Performance
George Brown and James Ferolo, Bradley University
Building and Supporting a Large-Institution Digital Media Service
Chris Millet, The Pennsylvania State University
DAM if You Do! BlueStream Digital Asset Management Infrastructure
Louis E. King, The University of Michigan
A Call for the Corporeal ‘cause Pixels Are Ephemeral and Archeologists Won’t Find Them
Jared Bendis, Case Western Reserve University
Infrastructures in Virtual Learning
Holly Willis, University of Southern California
Learning 2.0: Who’s in Control Now?
Wendy Shapiro and Lev Gonick, Case Western Reserve University
Why Walk When You Can Fly? Reflections from an Advanced Second Life Preconference Session
Christopher Holden and Beth Sachtjen, NMC Virtual Worlds
Fair Use Ain’t What You Think It Is: Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Classroom
Mark J. Davis, Tulane University, CERT, and Loyola University
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